Thursday, December 11, 2014


These are Children HUMA Orphanage in Kenya Afrika they live under privilege lives everyday. I know that through the effort and care of othes, and even more God. That they can live happy lives without the needs of shelter, food, clothing, and fun.

I know that these children are worth more than all the gold in the world because they are Children of God, Souls of Everlasting Joy. 

I know that God will provide for them because his name is Yahweh Yireh God is my provider.

We can only fight poverty through the Loving Power of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and God the Father. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


How many millions upon millions of Children go without each year in this world of grief, disease, guilt, shame, and disgust. When we will, as people, come to the point where there is no more poverty, sickness, sin, death, hell, or any other attack our consciousness? These are questions I ask everyday, and I ask that people come together to stop these attacks from spreading!

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Free the Slaves

Free the Slaves

How many People know that Slavery is still a common practice today? In countries all around the world, children, men and women are still bought and sold for a price. Weather in the middle east, south Africa, South Asia, the list goes on. 

Amna Al Nowais is an activist, and film-maker who has traveled and done has work towards freeing the Slaves.

How did you learn that slavery still exists? How did you feel at that very moment?
I had some awareness that slavery still existed, but not that there were more people in slavery today­—and treated worse—than during the time that it was actually legal. I first learned this when I saw Lisa Kristine’s TED talk. I felt sickened and overcome with emotions that prompted an urgency to act.
How did those feelings turn to action and a donation to Free the Slaves?
The suffering of an individual not only being stripped of their bodily freedom but also subdued, starved and psychologically altered day after endless day is unimaginable. Making a donation felt like a very natural next step after seeing and hearing what I just had, especially because of how easy it is to do so: on the spot, securely and within a few keystrokes on a laptop.
What do you say when you tell others that slavery still exists?
Slavery is not only still real, it is also a multibillion dollar business, enslaving up to an estimated 30 million people. It seeps into our day-to-day and can be in the supply chain that produces anything from our raw materials to the food on our plates. The numbers seem overwhelming, but we cannot forget that the illegality of slavery makes any practice of it a government matter; and that as consumers we have real leverage to eradicate it. Breakthroughs are a result of dominoes—small and consistent steps.
What do you say to others to inspire them to contribute to Free the Slaves?
As individuals we might feel overwhelmed by the spectrum of eradicating slavery, but Free the Slaves is already freeing thousands of people, as well as preventing further enslavement through region-specific and tried-and-tested methods that are only becoming better and better. All that is left for us as individuals who want to help is to support it. A donation goes a very long way and a regular donation makes it even more sustainable.
Why do you choose to donate to Free the Slaves when there are many other causes to support and organizations fighting slavery?
Over 80 percent of Free the Slaves funds go to programs and services. They are connected to local partner organizations everywhere they work and base every action they take on well thought-out calculations—from prevention to post-rescue. This maximizes their resources and reach and, therefore, most importantly, their sustained effectiveness.

Filmmaker and FTS supporter Amna Al Nowais

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Free the Slaves!

Check out Free the Slaves BLOG - A blog dedicated to freeing Children from Slavery, freeing, women and men alike from Slavery and bondage. Please share!